vocabulary jobs and occupations
Vocabulary jobs and occupations
Is the job or work that someone exercises, almost always
require specialized and formal knowledge, which is usually acquired after a
university education. The trades, on the other hand, usually consist of
informal activities or whose learning consists of practice. In some cases,
however, the boundary between profession and trade is diffuse.
These are some of the
names of the jobs and occupations that you can find
Air hostess: Azafata (avión).
Astronaut: Astronauta.
Baker: Panadero.
Bus driver: Conductor/a de autobús.
Carpenter: Carpintero/a.
Cashier: Cajero/a.
Clown: Payaso.
Cobbler: Zapatero.
Chef: Cocinero (profesional).
Dancer: Bailarín.
Doctor: Médico/a.
Farmer: Granjero, agricultor.
Fireman: Bombero.
FIsherman: Pescador.
Hairdresser: Peluquero/a.
Pastry cook: Pastelero, repostero.
Photographer: Fotógrafo.
Policeman /Policewoman: Policía.
Sportsman: deportista.
Teacher: Profesor/a (Primaria y Secundaria).
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