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Grammar be going to

Grammar be going to Function The use of "going to" to refer to future events suggests a very solid link with the present. The precise moment is not relevant, it is later than now, but the attitude implies that this event depends on something we know about the current situation. "Going to" is used mostly to talk about our plans and intentions, or to make predictions based on current evidence When we use "going to" in a sentence to refer to the future, the construction is composed of three elements: the verb "to be" conjugated according to the subject + "going" + the infinitive of the main verb Sujeto  + to be (conjugado)   + going    + infinitivo She is going to leave I am going to stay Afirmativa ...

vocabulary jobs and occupations

Vocabulary jobs and occupations Is the job or work that someone exercises, almost always require specialized and formal knowledge, which is usually acquired after a university education. The trades, on the other hand, usually consist of informal activities or whose learning consists of practice. In some cases, however, the boundary between profession and trade is diffuse. These are some of the names of the jobs and occupations that you can find Air hostess:                Azafata (avión).   Astronaut:                  Astronauta. Baker:                        Panadero. Bus driver:                 Conductor/a de autobús. Carpenter:                 Carpintero/a. Cashier:            ...